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سه شنبه 22 بهمن 1403 زمان : 0:06
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online chat
Today, immediately after entering many sites, a small online chatbox opens at the bottom right of the page, giving the audience a good sense of support and constant companionship. Online chat and support tools help you easily connect with your site audience and analyze their behavior.

It is gratifying that there are very good sites in this field and it helps businesses. Below we introduce some online chats:

دانش کمپ

The number and types of digital marketing tools are huge. In this content, we tried to introduce many of them. We hope that familiarity with digital marketing tools will help you run better and more effective campaigns by making the right decisions and choices.

The importance of using telegram reseller panel marketing
If you are wondering why digital marketing is important, consider the following:
• At the moment, your marketing strategy depends entirely on digital marketing.
• Increases sales and ultimately increases revenue.
• Helps you to make your brand popular.
• Helps build better customer relationships and improve business prospects.
Generates a better return on investment (ROI).
• Has extensive and dynamic job opportunities.
• Helps you appear in the search engine SERP.
These are just a few of the many benefits of digital marketing to your business. Here are 10 reasons why digital marketing is important:

1. The growing rate of digital markets
Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving technology that has created many job opportunities. From the 1990s to the present, digital marketing has accounted for half of the livelihood and technology trends.

۲. Diverse job opportunities
Digital marketing offers a variety of career options for individuals. With the expansion and development of technology, we are witnessing more employment advertisements in the field of digital marketing . Digital marketing offers many job opportunities, so you can work remotely even from home and earn a substantial income. The Best Digital Marketing Books Can Help You Learn Digital Marketing.

3. An easy way to start a creative business
You can easily start your own business by using very popular social networks such as YouTube, Instagram and even by creating a blog. Then you can formulate a suitable strategy, determine the best marketing channel to reach your target audience and start your activity.

4. Easy advancement in digital sales funnel
Social networks such as Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube can generate significant traffic to your website and even promote products with your services. With digital marketing, you can turn potential customers into actual customers.

5. Easy audience attraction on Internet platforms
When you focus on digital marketing, there is no turning back. Instead, you need to attract a large audience to your brand with the help of digital marketing. For example, digital marketing plays a key role in generating high traffic to your site.

6. Digital skills gap
Digital markets have a lot of job opportunities due to their growth and therefore there is a great demand for people who have digital skills. Even if you are not a professional in this field, you can still find your place in digital marketing by continuing your activity and experience. However, this new and growing market has caused us to face the digital skills gap. Skills gap is the difference between the skills needed to do a job and the skills that a person has. As a result, people who are hired with a skill gap do not have the ability to do the job, which is why the presence of specialized personnel is so essential.

7. adaptation
Once you have mastered the top skills for the role of digital marketer, you will learn other skills as well. In digital marketing, if you specialize in one area, you need to work hard to change your position and then move on to other areas. You can work in any field of digital marketing you want and learn new skills by upgrading your previous skills. In this regard, there are many options along with learning opportunities and as a result you can make the best use of your skills.

8. Transformation in digital marketing
Digital marketing is one of the fields in which you will always find new things to learn. These resources allow you to be creative in your marketing plans. Given that marketing firms employ people with different backgrounds and strategies, you can get a variety of information from them. Also, reading the best digital marketing books can help you make progress in this area.

9. Leaving competitors behind
Matching digital marketing to your organization is a must and lets you get to know your company and your vision. Even if you have great content and website, you may still not get the desired result because you are not aware of the current market trends.

What does a digital marketer do, what are the smm of a digital marketing manager?
Digital marketers are those who aim and budget use all the digital marketing channels mentioned above to increase brand awareness or attract customers company's . Digital marketers focus on specific key performance metrics (KPIs) and measure the effectiveness of each of their different campaigns across different channels based on them and their metrics, and perform best with these results.

In a small startup or business, a digital marketer may take on all the responsibilities of digital marketing, but in larger organizations, specific experts gradually emerge for each of the digital marketing channels and tactics. For example, the following maps are common in larger organizations:

دانش کمپ

SEO Manager Organic traffic
Content Marketing Manager User spent time on the page, overall blog traffic
Manager of social networks Number of followers, shares, engagement
Email Marketing Manager Email opening rate, click-through rate of email links
Do you need a lot of money for digital marketing?
It depends on your digital marketing strategy. For the first category, which was offline digital marketing, your costs could be very high. The staggering prices of TV commercials cannot be ignored. But in online marketing methods there are much less expensive methods available.

If you want to use SEO channels or social networks or content marketing, I have to give you the good news that you are paying a very low and negligible cost for the feedback you receive. If you want to click on advertising channels or similar ads, you can manage your expenses with very good efficiency by receiving accurate statistics of your campaign results and depending on the result you want to get or the number of clicks you need, you can pay your desired cost. You enter. In Yektant platform, you can design and execute your campaign even at a price of 50 Tomans per click or even 10,000 Tomans per day, which is much more cost-effective and less expensive than offline channels.

What is the type of offline digital marketing?
The same marketing activities that have been performed traditionally and environmentally, if they are using digital tools, fall into this category:

Enhanced environmental marketing
Radio Marketing / Radio Marketing
TV Marketing / TV Marketing
Telephone Marketing / Telemarketing
Enhanced environmental marketing
Some traditional marketing activities can sometimes be combined with digital tools and be more effective. For example, in the city of Tehran, you see more than 4,000 advertising structures such as billboards, billboards and روز every day, all of which are competing with each other to attract your attention and attention.

Digital marketing of this kind can be found on electronic billboards that was once very popular.

Digital offline marketing

Another type of marketing is sampling marketing, which is very common. This means that companies offer their product in smaller sizes or a sample of it to others to buy after testing it. Now, in this type of digital marketing, if you have a product or service, you can also think of digital sampling, an example of which you can see today in big mobile stores or Samsung dealerships, or also interactive advertising systems that exist in the famous passages of Tehran. .

What is digital marketing?

Radio Marketing
Not only in Iran but also in the most advanced countries of the world, radio is not dead yet and can be used as a medium and channel for digital marketing. Pay attention to the statistics in this regard:

In the United States, listening to the radio averages 2 hours per day.

In Iran, 34% of the population still listens to the radio per week, some of whom listen to the radio for more than an hour a day. Therefore, radio also allocates a part of the budget of organizations.

Using radio to transmit an inter-program advertising message or even sponsor an application can be a form of digital marketing.

TV marketing
Television marketing is also very common and has encouraged many businesses to use this digital marketing channel due to the large audience it has had over the years, which is why it has imposed staggering costs on companies and organizations. Small or toddler can not afford it.

There is also no good return in telemarketing or concepts such as cold calling, which are still prevalent in the world and in our own country, because we often try to sell products to someone who has never been in contact with our business. SMS marketing may have been effective in the past, but now in our country it has become a kind of annoyance that has a very negative effect on the recipient's mind.

So offline digital marketing is generally categorized as follows:

Electronic billboards
Electronic sampling
Radio Marketing
Radio ads
Sponsoring programs
TV marketing
TV commercials
Cold call
QR code
What are the disadvantages of offline digital marketing?
The downside to offline marketing is that it is generally very difficult to get a customized and targeted message to a specific segment of customers. For example, on TV, you send your advertising message to everyone sitting at the TV, but you can never send your own unique message to everyone. For example, it would be much more interesting if you sent a message to someone who did not know you before to attract him and to a message of thanks or special discount to someone who has already bought from you to buy from you again. Instead, you have to convey the same message to both of you, unless you are lucky enough to be sitting at the TV fully conscious while your ad is playing.
Another downside of this type of advertising is the difficulty of measuring and evaluating its effectiveness. For example, when you advertise on both the radio and television and on city billboards at the same time, you can not know exactly how many people have seen your ad, how many people have bought from you through it, separately how many people from the radio and How many people have bought billboards from you and…. None of these types of questions in offline marketing can be answered accurately.
But in digital online marketing, these two negative points do not exist, but can be targeted and measured very accurately.

What is the general framework of digital marketing?
A framework in the field of digital marketing goals and channels is commonly called the Reach-Act-Convert-Engage (RACE) framework.

At each of these stages, marketing goals, channels, and methods will be different. In the reach section, the goal is to attract customers or their initial familiarity with the services. In this section, offline or online marketing can be used. In the Act section, the goal is for the customer to make their first purchase and, as promised, to be activated. In this section, you can use social networks, landing pages, re-marketing, email marketing or..

In the Convert section, the goal is for the customer to become a recurring buyer, which means different sales for each company. Retargeting, CRO, UGC, personalization, email marketing, etc. can be used in this section, and finally in the Engage section, the goal is to become a loyal and regular customer, or if the repetition of his purchases is reduced or for a while. There is no purchase, let's make him loyal again. This section also includes automated personalizations, loyalty programs, CRM systems, and other common tactics.

What is digital marketing?

Is digital marketing a constant demand in the market?
Digital marketers, and especially online marketing experts, need to pay attention to this widespread use of the Internet. Because the easier it is to access online space, the greater the demand for digital marketing. More than half of the world's population is now an online user, doing business through smartphones or laptops. That's why organizations are increasingly looking to expand their digital marketing activities to be profitable.

Audiences in European, Asian and North American markets use the Internet extensively. According to the latest statistics provided by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (1397), more than 72 million and 941 people in Iran have used the Internet and its penetration rate has reached about 89%. Year by year, with the development of related technologies in Iran, we are witnessing an increase in users in the web space.

Statistics of Internet users in services
For this reason, in order to continue their survival and maintain themselves in the highly competitive market, organizations are looking to have a continuous presence in the web space. Demand for digital marketing skills has nearly doubled in the past five years, according to Forrester Research. In Iran, statistics show that the penetration of ADSL Internet has been growing linearly, but the penetration of mobile Internet is moving rapidly with an upward slope. Also, according to statistics published in 2017, 33 million people in Iran connect to the Internet via mobile phones. This is while the penetration rate of active mobile users in 1986 was about 39.5 percent and in 94 this penetration rate has reached 96.46 percent. This means that the penetration rate of mobile users has more than doubled in recent years. This growing trend will continue.

Internet penetration
Nowadays, managing social networks and digital marketing has become a necessity for organizations around the world. As we move away from traditional economies and users become more familiar with technology; Demand for digital marketing is growing. Australia, for example, has pushed digital marketing services to the forefront of its economy by abandoning traditional advertising and economics practices, and has seen a dramatic increase in demand for digital marketers over the past five years.

This growing market for digital marketing has left many vacancies for marketing professionals. Because there is a big gap between the needs of the organization and the skills of professionals, and people who really have enough expertise and experience in the field of digital marketing, will be very successful in this market. In 2018, the main demand of the employment market was related to the field of digital marketing, and the following specialties in this field are in great demand in most countries of the world:

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Digital project management
Data analysis
Brand marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Website design and development
Every country in the world will need different skills in the field of digital marketing according to their needs and capabilities. For example, in developing regions such as Latin America and Africa, the demand for mobile marketing is extremely high. Because in many developing regions, mobile is more popular than desktop and their access to mobile is much greater.

Currently in countries such as Canada, India, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Ireland and the Philippines, we are seeing significant growth in digital marketing market demand. In Iran, although this market is almost new, but we will see its growth day by day.

Learn more about digital marketing terms in this article .

What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is any type of marketing of products and services that is done through electronic devices.

What are digital marketing tools?
Digital marketing has different tools in both offline and online sections, each of which is used according to the conditions and needs. These tools include email marketing and search engine optimization.

What are the duties of a digital marketing manager?
Digital marketers focus on specific key performance metrics (KPIs) and measure the effectiveness of each of their different campaigns across different channels based on them and their metrics, and perform best with these results.

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