At present, it can be boldly said that Telegram is one of the most popular social networks in Iran. This time, a new update of Telegram has come to the scene with attractive capabilities for users. The ability to telescope and send video messages are two new features in the new Telegram update. Follow the Fallout robot to increase Instagram followers and increase Instagram likes.
What are the new features in the new Telegram update?
In the updated version of Telegram Messenger, which was presented to users today, two new features, one called Telescope and the other called Video Call, have been introduced for users.
In fact, in addition to providing the ability to send voice messages that were provided to users in previous versions, this messenger in this serious version of Telegram Services has the ability to send video messages to its users.
Telegram Messenger is one of the most popular messengers among cyberspace users. This messenger offers new features to its users every time it updates.
Also in version 4.0 of this messenger, two new features have been introduced, one called telescope and the other sending video message. According to Click, in the updated version of Telegram Messenger, which was presented to users today, two new features, one called Telescope and the other called Video Call, have been introduced for users.
In fact, in addition to providing the ability to send voice messages that were provided to users in previous versions, this messenger in this serious version of Telegram Messenger has the ability to send video messages to its users.
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To send a video message, just click on the contact or group you want in Telegram and then click on the microphone icon to become the camera icon. Then record and send your video message by holding your hand on this button, like when you want to send an audio message.
When you have finished recording the video message, just lift your finger from the camera icon to send your message. Video messages that are sent in this way reach the audience very quickly because instagram first compresses these messages and then sends them.
It is also possible to lock the camera when recording a video message. It is also possible for voice messages. Video messages are automatically downloaded and played automatically by default. But to disable it, the user must go to the Telegram settings and disable the ability to automatically download and display videos.
The important point in this regard is that the user can open and view other chats on the Telegram environment while viewing video messages or chat with other friends. But another feature that has been provided to users in this new version of Telegram Messenger is a feature called Telescope.
With this feature, those users who want to connect with their audience via video, can access a video platform. In fact, this feature allows public messages that are sent in video to reach a better audience and even expand beyond the telegram ecosystem.
The duration of video messages sent using this feature is 1 minute, and the important thing about them is that the videos are shared through the Telegram Telescope feature, even for those users who have an account. They do not have a telegram, it is visible.
All public telegram channels now have an address in the form of For example, These public channels are a place to send video messages that can be accessed through the World Wide Web. The telescope feature is available even for those users who have not installed the Telegram application on their device.
This means that those users who do not have a Telegram account or do not have the Telegram application installed on the hood device can access the videos recorded by the telescope feature. So these videos are publicly available to all users.
To send a video message, just click on the contact or twitter services you want in Telegram and then click on the microphone icon to become the camera icon.
Then record and send your video message by holding your hand on this button, like when you want to send an audio message. When you have finished recording the video message, just lift your finger from the camera icon to send your message.
Video messages that are sent in this way reach the audience very quickly because Telegram first compresses these messages and then sends them.
It is also possible to lock the camera when recording a video message. It is also possible for voice messages.
Video messages are automatically downloaded and played automatically by default. But to disable it, the user must go to the Telegram settings and disable the ability to automatically download and display videos.
The important point in this regard is that the user can open and view other chats on the Telegram environment while viewing video messages or chat with other friends.
But another feature that has been provided to users in this new update of Telegram is a feature called Telescope. With this feature, those users who want to connect with their audience via video, can access a video platform.
In fact, this feature allows public messages that are sent in video to reach a better audience and even expand beyond the telegram ecosystem.
The duration of video messages sent using this feature is 1 minute, and the important thing about them is that the videos are shared through the Telegram Telescope feature, even for those users who have an account. They do not have a telegram, it is visible.
From now on, all public Telegram channels will have an address in the form of in the new update of Telegram. For example, These public channels are a place to send video messages that can be accessed through the World Wide Web.
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The telescope capability is available even for those users who have not installed the Telegram application on their device. This means those users who do not have a Telegram account or have the Telegram application installed on their device. They can not access the videos recorded by the telescope feature. So these videos are publicly available to all users.